Academic Dishonesty

We maintain a strict policy of avoiding dishonesty in every areas of academic endeavor including “CHEATING” which lackluster approaches proves the students lack of integrity & commitment. Dishonesty in the completion of Assignments, Papers and Presentations, Examinations or any other Academic work is contrary to Biblical principles of Christian living and is unacceptable at HILT. Plagiarism is the deliberate presentation of another person’s ideas or words as one's own, or the failure to cite the source of one's ideas.

Below are some examples of Plagiarism:

(i) The words, sentences, ideas, conclusions, examples, and/or organization of an Assignment are borrowed from a Source (a Book, an Article, another student’s Paper, etc.) without acknowledging and giving credit to the Source.

(ii) A student submits work done by another student or group—in part or whole—in place of his or her own work.

(iii) A student submits work in which the style, language or grammar has been altered by any one besides the writer.

Any form of cheating, plagiarism, or other violations of academic integrity therefore is not tolerated, and results in academic penalty, which may include: failure of the Assignment, Exam, or Paper, Administrative withdrawal, failure of the Course, or other further disciplinary action brought by the Office of the Academic Dean.