Community Life & Activity

1.1. Community Accountability

   – Accountability to One Another

HILT is committed to the policy of community accountability. As such, students are encouraged to walk with both grace and truth when addressing each other. Being a community of Christ implies that lives are shared, which includes the learning and holistic conduct with one another as well. Students enrolled at HILT have voluntarily chosen to be a part of an accountable, intentional Christian community who live according to the Community Standards of the Institution (including the Code of Conduct) referenced in this Guidebook. It is expected that these standards are upheld whether on or off Campus, during the Semester, and in-between Semesters (including Winter and Summer Breaks). When a student fails to meet the standards that he/she has agreed upon by enrolling at HILT, then the Administration is obligated to care for the student and community well by holding him/her accountable.

The goal of the processes of community accountability is always attached to the growth of the individual and restoration to the community, when possible. Disciplinary processes at HILT use a redemptive framework, with focus on facilitating restoration and development of the individual. This process may require confrontation with consequences, as it takes into consideration the growth and well-being of the student in addition to the safety and standards of the HILT Community. It is the practice of the Institute to deal with each student as an individual, yet in a pattern consistent with the overall purpose of HILT and the agreement upon Community Standards.

I. Community Relationships

In addition to its unswerving efforts in Academic, HILT constitutes a framework for orientating study, placement experience and personal growth, and Christian maturity. The Institute is committed to track student’s progress towards what Gospel Ministry needs. The holistic policy of the Institute contributes greatly to the student’s academic-spiritual vigilant lifestyle which further matters for their Ministerial eligibility. Students are ordered and prepared throughout their course of studies with all watchfulness and vitality in academic, moral conduct, interpersonal relationships, holistic mission of the Institution, and spiritual vibrancy.

Students find that informal conversations, inter-cultural encounters and opportunities to discuss big questions of how to respond to the challenges of an ever-changing and increasingly secular world, all contribute to personal formation and spiritual development.

1.2. Multiculturalism

At HILT, we relate Bible and human Culture through a sound, consistent, and relevant Hermeneutics. While recognizing the principles of Scripture and the rich contribution that each Culture can make to Campus life, we support the Biblical concept of multiculturalism (Gal 3:28; Rev 7:9) in which all people participate equally in the Kingdom of God. We subscribe to, and encourage, the equal right of all to pursue excellence in their lives without racial or ethnic inhibitions. We encourage students to realize and appreciate ethnic and cultural differences within our community. Racism in any form is not tolerated in the community life at HILT.

II. Spiritual–Holistic Life

At HILT, we stress the importance of one’s personal relationship with God. Therefore, we seek to provide an environment conducive to spiritual growth that is commensurate with academic and intellectual growth. We unswervingly endeavor to be always an educational and spiritual office, which function is concerned not only on quality and excellence in the Curriculum and the Classroom, but also on the Spiritual. In order to promote an atmosphere conducive to such development, the Institute provides various Programs and pursues various approaches designed to emphasize worship, spiritual growth, discernment of good and evil, and active devotion to the Lord. Because of the biblical requirements for a role in Christian leadership and in view of the character qualities which are the goal for maturing believers, it is our pledge that, every Administrator, Faculty, Staff, and Student should zealously pursue these qualifications. Students are expected to develop the character and attitudes of Jesus Christ and to display the fruit of the Spirit in all areas of life. They should pursue spiritual maturity, maintain intellectual curiosity, and cultivate a healthy lifestyle to present a model of Christ-like behavior. In an effort to assist in achieving such objectives, the Institute desires all activities to be pervaded by an atmosphere of Prayer, fear of the Lord, and dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit, so that, every Ministry and endeavor of the Institute might become an avenue of spiritual blessing and growth, finally leading to the stage of spiritual maturity (perfection) of the Saints (Col 1:28).

2.1. New Student Orientation

A Week span of Orientation Course CUM Pre-Theology Class is conducted at the beginning of the First Semester to acquaint new students with a Christian Worldview including Campus holistic policies. During this Orientation, the students are informed on the policies and procedures of the College and Administrative details to help them thrive in a College environment. New students are oriented to the spiritual development policy of the Institute, that students’ spiritual growth should be evident by the required Daily Devotions, Chapel Services, personal journaling, involvement in a variety of Ministry outreaches, etc. Emphasis is also made to the New Students regarding the Fasting Prayer policy of the Institute, and engagement in Summer Practical Ministry and Christian Service during every Summer-Break of Semesters. The Orientation Course is required for all New Students.

2.2. Devotional Life

At HILT, private devotions are considered necessary for the proper spiritual growth of each individual student. Worship services, prayer meeting, and other activities are no substitute for personal devotions in a Campus student’s life. Students are expected to discipline themselves in complying with this important aspect of their development. Personal relationship to, and with God, is the one factor above all else that will determine success or failure in Christians’ life. Only through God and His Word can Christians find full and complete satisfaction in the Lord Jesus Christ. As such, students’ personal quiet time is vital for their spiritual maturity and Christlikeness. Students will need to develop this vital aspect of life consistently, meaningfully, and through varied life’s devotional activities. Nothing in the regular routine of College life at HILT can replace this important time alone with God. Often students are to joyfully gather together inside the Dormitory for spiritual fellowship and strengthen the community life.

2.3. Standard of Life

Upon enrolling at HILT, students have voluntarily chosen to be a part of an accountable, intentional Christian community that is dedicated to the spiritual growth and maturity of each individual. We follow biblical standards for our lifestyle choices, in alignment with the doctrine, perspectives, and positions of the Assemblies of God. Students are encouraged and expected to live in such a way that honors God, honors their HILT Community, and honors the calling in their life (Eph 4:1-5:21). The spiritual and behavior expectations flow from our Mission and support a healthy and safe learning environment for our students. Students of HILT must develop consistency and integrity in both their public and private lives. We desire that our students be known as those who demonstrate Christ-like love and lifestyle wherever they are present and goes!

2.4. Discipleship and Counseling

At HILT, emphasis is placed upon discipleship. Each student shall be assigned to a Faculty member for advice and counseling pertaining to personal, communal, or spiritual matters. This personal one-to-one contact is purposed to meet the personal needs of the student and foster his/her spiritual growth. The Dean of Students, the Campus Chaplain, and Faculty personnel will be made available to the students for close spiritual fellowship, mentoring and counseling. Every student and a Faculty individual shall be assigned to one of small Groups and they are to meet for an Hour every Week. This fellowship should be further considered as a holistic opportunity to build relationships, share experiences and participate in mutual support and encouragement. Holistic building such as this shall occur across all of College life from Classroom to beyond the Campus. Strong relationships are at the core of HILT healthy learning community.

2.5. Fasting and Prayer Day

At HILT, every First Friday of the Month is set apart for the College Fasting and Prayer Day, wherein various needs of the College and the community around, and the plans and programs of the College for growth and development, including evangelization and involvement in community service, are brought before God in a special way. This is also a special occasion to pray for the suffered world due to ethnic violence and natural disasters and calamities.

2.6. Social Life Standards

Students of HILT must develop a high standard of moral and spiritual character in their social relations. Moral consistency and holistic integrity must be exhibited in public life. Every student should be so engrossed in the Word of God and be so filled with the Holy Spirit that his/her life will be a living testimony and exemplary model for the surrounding communities. We desire that our students be known as those who demonstrate Christ-like love and lifestyle wherever they are present and goes!

2.7. Church-Association & Fellowship

HILT is committed to networking with fellow-Christians and like-minded Christian Churches and Organizations in faith and practice for the growth and expansion of the Church and Missions. A student holding Pastoral internship is granted the privilege of attending his choice of Local Church on Sundays. Permission for the same will be granted for a student upon the decision of the Faculty Committee, while every student is expected to attend the Daegil New Life AG Church, Jaigaon, on every Sunday without fail.

2.8. Ministry Formation Program

Ministry Formation Policy at HILT serves to integrate the experience and academics life of students. Students vocationally explore through Ministry Formation such as “congregational ministry, theological education, dorm chaplaincy, weekend outreach evangelism, community social service,” etc. The formation process provides (i) opportunities for students to bring together ministry experience in multiple contexts; (ii) supervised reflection designed to enhance that experience; and (iii) academic course work which informs this reflection.

Ministry Formation Program at HILT is rooted in the praxis of ministry, a process of learning ministry by doing ministry. To that end, students participate in various required ministry experiences within and outside of the Campus in different ministry contexts. The reflective process involves supervising faculty and peer students, and is designed to lead students to an integration of personal and professional identity, and academic and practical proficiency.

The process also enhances the student’s ability to articulate faith within concrete life experiences and the changing dynamics of today’s world. Students are divided into Groups for both Weekend Outreach Ministries and Summer Internship Ministries in an approved congregation or other ministry setting. During every Summer Break, entire students’ body participates in the GO Trips, namely, “Global Opportunity Trips.” GO Trips are cross-cultural experiences, led by an appointed student leader, and sometimes by a Faculty or Staff personal. This experience provides for the integration of student’s academic knowledge with practical experience. This policy is a core element of HILT’s commitment to equip students with the passion, knowledge, and skills to minister in a global Society! It is a must participation project for all full-time enrolled students of HILT.

It is required from all the returning students to produce the GO Trips Ministry Reports signed by the Local Pastor or Church Leaders with whom he/she was working with or collaborating with for a Month time and submit to the Director of Mission & Evangelism Department.

III. Community Life

Learning to live in community is a primary Christian virtue. At HILT, we strive to nurture a Christian “family atmosphere” where students develop meaningful and God-honoring relationships. Living together necessitates Guidelines for the sake of harmony and mutual benefit. Thus, there are policies that are community standards variously based on wisdom, respect for others, principles of community life and health and safety. At times a student’s own personal values may not be in harmony with the community standards. So, we ask the student to defer to the community standards, but are certainly open to communicate regarding any areas needing clarification.

3.1. Chapel Life

HILT is a Worshipping Community, therefore fellowship with God and one-another is acknowledged as the backbone of the Community spiritual life. The Chapel policy serves an essential part of the educational experience, and an integral part of the community life at HILT. Each Chapel at HILT seeks to enhance Christian life and character by encouraging the disciplines of corporate worship, Bible teaching, and prayer.

A regular Morning Chapel Hour is incorporated for 40-50 minutes every Class-day from Monday to Friday between the Second and Third Period from 10:00am to 10:45am. HILT Faculty, visiting Dignitaries and Leaders from fellowshipping Churches speaks in the Chapel Services. Students also gathered in the Chapel every Morning from 05:15am to 06:00am for Prayer and Devotion. Besides the devotional time every Morning before the Breakfast Table, regular and spontaneous meetings for fellowship and prayer shall be organized time to time. Separate Dorm Prayer Sessions and combined Evening Worship shall be organized.

Because Chapel Services are considered an integral part of the training and educational experience, enveloping both the corporate and individual growth of the student body, attendance is compulsory for all students. Students should be present on time at all Chapel Services with modest dressed and an attitude of prayer and worship.

3.2. Social Work

Cleanliness remains one of the daily emphases of the community of HILT. As such, the Dean of Students looks into the matter all through the Years.

3.3. Medium of Communication

The English Language, being the medium of teaching and learning, is used with emphasis as the primary medium of communication in every sphere of life and activity at HILT, whereas Hindi as the secondary medium of communication.

3.4. Games & Sports

The appointed Committee in-charge for Games and Sports always take necessary actions pertaining to the physical fitness of the Students which is necessary for undergoing vigorous educational training in God’s Word. The College provides the Facilities that can serve the all-round developments of physical talents and skills of the students. The Last Week of October Month is scheduled for Annual Sports Week in an Academic Year.

3.5. Cafeteria Service

The Cafeteria of HILT is a hub of activity where students share a good Home-style cooked Meal and celebrate God’s goodness in their lives. With a dedicated Team led by the Campus Manager-in-Charge, HILT’s Food offerings are seriously good – delicious, fresh, fun and healthy. Our Kitchen has great connections with Farmers and Vendors and incorporates local produce and ingredients into the daily Menus. Students with food allergies may speak with the Campus Manager-in-Charge regarding the notification of ingredients or other available provisions. Students with diagnosed Medical issues requiring special diets may consult with the Dean of Student Affairs prior to the start of the Semester for possible accommodations. A Note from a Medical Doctor is required for consideration of Meal plan accommodations.

The Department does not encouraged Food be taken out of the Dining Hall except in the case of illness or with permission from the Assistant Managing-in-Charge or the Dean of Students. Non-disposable cups, dishes, and silverware are not to be taken out of the Dining Hall. Inside the Cafeteria, Birthdays of students and Staffs personnel are commonly celebrated. Latest News and Events happening around the World are regularly telecasted and updated to the students. This opportunity also makes the students’ life more vibrant and homely.

3.6. Use of Facility & Stewardship

The campus of HILT features many modern facilities that provide a comfortable learning environment and promote a great College experience. While enjoying the social spaces and facilities that HILT provides, students are expected to behave in a manner that honors persons and property. Students should realize that Christian stewardship begins and ends in the realization that all that we earn and all we have been given belongs to God, and they are just Managers of God’s property more than they are owners.

As such, a student is responsible for any damages to his/her Room, residence Hall, or other Campus property. Any damage to Rooms or College owned property will be paid promptly by the individual student or individuals responsible. An inspection will be made regularly by the Dean of Students to determine if any such damage has been done.

3.7. Disciplinary Policies

HILT believes that the principle of Discipline is to associate a consequence with misbehavior to motivate better behavior, and that disciplining can be an effective tool for change of life. Hence, we utilize this tool as a last resort without any sense of rejection or disdain. We are here to help students change and we intend this process to be surrounded by a positive and friendly atmosphere of genuine concern. Our motivation is part pastoral and part parental, desiring to see students grow in ways that will ensure their future success.

Students at HILT are shaped for prospective Christian Leaders, and so necessitates that they exemplify a God-controlled life both on and off the Campus to be accepted by the Community. HILT therefore disproves the use of tobacco and intoxicating beverages and other questionable practices which substances are not suitable for Christian Leaders. The Dean of Students is authorized to investigate these infractions of the standards of conduct, and negligent attitude and willful disorder of any kind as reach by him will be dealt with, and disciplinary action taken as may be deemed necessary. We are committed to helping students to be able to live up to the standards we set for them. As might be expected, a decision to violate any of these standards may result in some form of disciplinary action after careful consideration and determination. 

The focus of HILT’s disciplinary process is restorative, not punitive. The types of disciplinary actions that can affect a student’s attendance at HILT include – “Probation, Temporary Suspension, Permanent Suspension, and Expulsion.”

IV. Hostel Life

Hostel life in HILT is desired to be homely. We seek to help students from diverse backgrounds to live together in unity as one family. Our Hostels serves a platform for both learning and unlearning experience. We have Two Hostels on the Campus – Boys’ Hostel holding the capacities to accommodate more than 120 Men Students, and Girl’s Hostel holding the capacity to accommodate more than 50 Women Students.

Hostel life at HILT builds up friendships, understanding and helping tendencies among the students. The Administration manages to the expectations and satisfaction of all the students. Rules framed for Hostels are aimed to encourage students to grow in their spiritual and holistic life as a saved community. Students are expected to maintain a clean and orderly Room.

Rooms will be checked on a daily basis by the Hostel Wardens. Periodic inspections will be made by the Dean of Student Affairs for both the sexes respectively. Students should anticipate inspections and Visitors at any time. Cleaning expectations will be posted. Cleaning duties for common areas will be assigned and checked by the Dean of Students for both the Hostels. Students are mandated to follow the following expectations in their Hostel lives:

Live in harmony with fellow Dorm students.

Maintain cleanliness of Dorm Rooms, Lobby, and common areas.

Respect the leadership of Room Leaders and the Student Body Council Reps appointed by the Administration of the College.

Attend regularly the scheduled Dorm Devotions and deepen activities and Groups.

Activities that may cause damage to property are not to take place in the Dorms.

When in the hallway and commons areas, students should be decently clothed.

Personal items should only be borrowed with consent of the Owner.

Students are responsible to keep the Hallways and Stairways free of all storage, clutter, and trash. Furniture attached inside the          Hostel must remain intact.

V. Sidelights of HILT

(i) At HILT, National Festivals and Holidays are observed and celebrated with a Christian orientation and as an occasion to spread            the Word.

(ii) Celebration will be due to Christmas since the fact of the Birth, and not the time, is remembered through the celebration. As              such, the Season shall be observed with joy and peace. Students will enjoy the Carol Singing and Camp-Fire in the form of                    spiritual exercises and entertainments before the Break for the Season.

(iii) The Institute's Foundation Day, Spiritual Emphases Week, Closing Conference, and the Graduation Exercise, etc., remains as a              special feature of the College Calendar.