Rev. John C. Sathyamoorthy

Founder & Director of HiLT

Rev. John C. Sathyamoorthy is the primary figure of the Himalayan Institute of Leadership Training. He is the Founder & Director of the Institute. He leads the Institute since the incarnate shaping and implementation of its Vision and Mission. He serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Institution, and has supervision and control over, and responsibility for, the general management of the Institute. He had his Theological Degree from Southern Asia Bible College (SABC), Bangalore. He teaches in the Department of Leadership & Church Management and Pastoral Theology. He is married to Rev. Jessy Sathyamoorthy and they are blessed with a Son and Three Daughters. Gladson is currently in pursuit of his MBA Course in Presidency, Bangalore. The Trio-Sisters – Gifta, Gracia, and Getzia, are all presently in pursuit of their Educational Career in Bangalore and in Ooty, Tamil Nadu. Gifta is in her College Final Year in Christhu Jayanti, Bangalore; whereas Gracia and Getzia are in their XIth and IXth Grade respectively in Hebron, Ooty, Tamil Nadu. This Year 2024 marks the 25th Year of laboring and service in the Lord's Ministry for Rev. John & Rev. Jessy.


Rev. Jessy Sathyamoorthy

Rev. Jessy Sathyamoorthy is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of HILT. She had her Theological Degree from Kor-In Theological College & Seminary, Bangalore, in 1999. Rev. Jessy serves as the Mother-figure and Mentor to the Girls and Spouses of HILT’s Faculty and Staff. She teaches Subjects related to Spiritual Formation, Christian Marriage, Christian Home and Parental Counseling. Rev. Jessy and Rev. John are blessed with a Son and Three Daughters. Gladson is currently in pursuit of his MBA Course in Presidency, Bangalore. The Trio-Sisters – Gifta, Gracia, and Getzia, are all presently in pursuit of their Educational Career in Bangalore and in Ooty, Tamil Nadu. Gifta is in her College Final Year in Christhu Jayanti, Bangalore; whereas Gracia and Getzia are in their XIth and IXth Grade respectively in Hebron, Ooty, Tamil Nadu.

Co-Founder & Co-Director of HiLT


Benjamin Rava

Academic Dean

Mr. Benjamin Rava has been serving HILT over the past Six Years since 2017. He had served the Office of Academic as the Dean of Academic for the past Five Years since 2019 until recent in 2023 as the Interim Dean of Academic cum Dean of Students’ Life. Earlier he had served as Boys Warden from 2017-2018. He is a Master Graduate of Divinity (MDiv) from All Nations Theological Seminary (ANTS), Siliguri, in the Year 2009. He teaches Practical Theology and Religion Subjects. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin are blessed with a 9 Years old Boy who is in his 5th Grade, and the Family resides in the Campus Quarter.


Associate Dean of Academic

Kamcha Haokip

Mr. Kamcha Haokip is a Master Graduate of Theology (MTh) from Evangelical Theological Seminary of Asian Christian Academy of India, Hosur, Tamil Nadu, in 2011. He joined HILT in 2023 in the field of Biblical Languages and Contextual Studies. He teaches Greek Grammar, Syntax & Exegesis, Research Methodology, and few Biblical-Theological Subjects. He also serves as an Advisor to the Thesis Writers. He serves the Office of Academic as an Associate Dean of Academic since his joining. Mr & Mrs Haokip are blessed with a 9 Years old Daughter who is in her IVth Grade, and a 3 Years old Son. Haokip’s Family resides in the Campus Quarter.


Wesley S. Newbegin



Mr. Wesley S. Newbegin has been serving HILT since 2018. He is a Master Graduate of Divinity (MDiv) from Southern Asia Bible College (SABC), Bangalore, in 2011. Mr. Wesley is married to Mrs. Jeslin Jenobha who also is a female Faculty of HILT till present. Mr. Wesley teaches Hermeneutics, Homiletics, and part of Practical Theology Subjects. He presently serves the Office of Chaplain from October 2023. Earlier he had served as the Dean of Students Life from 2018-2023. Since his joining in 2018 till the present, Mr. Wesley also serves as the Coordinator for PCG (Pastoral Care Group) Office. Mr. & Mrs. Wesley are blessed with an 8 Years and 10 Years old Sons who are in their IIIrd Grade and Vth Grade respectively. Mr. Wesley and his Family stays outside the Campus.

Moses Arun Raj


Mr. Moses Arun Raj has been serving HILT as a Bachelor Faculty since 2022. He is a Master Graduate of Divinity (MDiv) from Southern Asia Bible College (SABC), Bangalore in 2021. He teaches New Testament and General Subjects. Since his joining in 2022 till the present, Mr. Moses serves the Office of Library as the Chief Librarian. He had also served the Office of Chaplain for One Academic Semester in 2023. He also serves the Media Department of HILT as a Coordinator and main Handler.


Bhanu Prasad


Mr. Bhanu Prasad is a Master Graduate of Divinity (MDiv) from IPCTSK, Kerala in 2021, and has been serving HILT as a Bachelor Faculty since 2023. He teaches History and Religion Subjects. He also serves the Office of Library as an Assistant Librarian since his joining.

Asst. Librarian

Jeslin Jenobha


Mrs. Jeslin is the significant-other of Mr. Wesley S. Newbegin. She is a Master Graduate of Divinity (MDiv) from Southern Asia Bible College (SABC), Bangalore in 2011. Joining her husband at HILT, Jeslin started serving HILT in 2019 a Year after Mr. Wesley had joined. Since 2019-2022, Jeslin had served as Girls’ Matron alongside teaching Theology Subjects and Synoptic Gospels. She also teaches English Subject till present. Mrs. Jeslin and Mr. Wesley are blessed with an 8 Years and 10 Years Old Sons who are in their IIIrd Grade and Vth Grade respectively.

Sephora Tamang


Miss. Sephora Tamang is a Bachelor Graduate of Theology (BTh) from HILT. Since her Graduation in 2022, Miss. Sephora has been serving HILT as Girls’ Matron. She teaches Children and Youth Ministry Subjects to Diploma in Theology Class.